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Railinc Successfully Completes SAS 70 Type II Examination
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Third-Party Assurances Help Customers Meet Sarbanes-Oxley and Other Regulatory Requirements
For the third consecutive year Railinc successfully completed a Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70 Type II examination. More stringent than a Type I examination, the Type II exam includes detailed testing of Railinc internal controls to demonstrate that they are suitably designed and operating effectively.
"We are dedicated to supporting our customers' compliance requirements," says E. Allen West, Railinc president and CEO.
"The SAS 70 audit validates that Railinc meets the highest standards for securing and protecting data exchanges with Railinc customers. It gives them assurance that their data is being processed accurately and completely."
Under Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, companies are required to receive an opinion from their external auditors regarding their systems of control, including those extending to service providers such as Railinc. The SAS 70 Type II examination allows users to rely on Railinc's controls, reducing auditing expenses for its customers, as well as assuring compliance.
The process examined the integrity and security of Railinc's systems, including an exhaustive assessment of internal controls in operations over a six-month period. Railinc's systems, procedures and controls--critical to processing information and millions of confidential financial transactions--were thoroughly evaluated. Specifically, the following four systems were examined: the Railroad Clearinghouse (RCH); the Interline Settlement System (ISS); the Rate EDI Network (REN); and the Liability Continuity System (LCS). Additionally, physical and logical security measures; network access and monitoring; systems development; change management; and customer service were also evaluated.
About Railinc
Railinc is the largest, single source of real-time, accurate interline rail data in the North American transportation industry. Railinc is the supplier of time-tested products and services like Umler/EMIS, TRAIN II, Interline Settlement, Railcar Accounting, Steelroads, RailSight, and EDI connection services. These systems and services support railroads, shippers, equipment owners, and suppliers along every link of their supply chains. Class I, short lines, regional railroads, and transportation professionals alike, use Railinc's tools and information to manage and analyze their rail traffic.
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